Geosciences Honours College


Welcome to the official website for the Geoscience Honours College (GHC) Community! Made for both aspiring & full-fledged Honours Students and others who are interested in our community. Our aim is to connect, inform and to inspire. This website does not only connect Honours students with each other, but also connects Honours students with others, both within the University and elsewhere. Another aim of this website is to inform both current and potential Honours students and others both within our university and elsewhere about what it means to be a student at Geoscience Honours college. And lastly it aims to inspire (potential) Honours students and others.  

To meet these aims, we present multiple components on this website. We update you on our news and agenda, explain which Honours components are part of the program, share contact information, and last but not least: this website shares with pride projects that students have worked on! The special part about this is that these projects show the practical output of the program and give clear examples of which skills you can learn as a Honours student. 

We wish you a lot of enjoyment by reading, watching or experiencing what this website has to offer!